
infoProspectos y folletos ofrecen en formato PDF.

MBR Package Plant:

mbrMBR Package Plant for Sewage Treatment
– From Sewage to Pure Irrigation Water.

es / español – A4 pdf
de / deutsch – A4 [560kB] pdf
fr / français – A4 [568kB] pdf
en / english – A4 [593kB] pdf

Drinking Water Brochure:

drinking-waterContainerized Treatment Plant for Potable Water
– Drinking Water from Rivers and Lakes

es / español – A4 pdf
de / deutsch – A4 [887kB] pdf
fr / français – A4 [1057kB] pdf
en / english – A4 [896kB] pdf

Sludge Dewatering Brochure:

sludge Mobile Treatment Plant for Sludge Dewatering
– Reduce your Sludge

es / español – A4 pdf
de / deutsch – A4 [671kB] pdf
fr / français – A4 [494kB] pdf
en / english – A4 [708kB] pdf

Mobile Reverse Osmosis Units:

Ro Mobile Reverse Osmosis Units
– for purifed water needs

es / español – A4 pdf
de / deutsch – A4 [569kB] pdf
fr / français – A4 [672kB] pdf
en / english – A4 [554kB] pdf

MENA-Water Brochure:


MENA-Water profile brochure includes company profile, business fields, product groups and reference projects.

es / español – A4 pdf
de / deutsch – A4 [792kB] pdf
fr / français – A4 [822kB] pdf
en / english – A4 [839kB] pdf

Hojas de referencia en idioma español

Aguas residuales municipales


MBR Sewage Plant – Aschersleben – pdf
MBR Sewage Plant – Kabul – pdf
MBR Sewage Plant – Al Hamlah, Bahrain – pdf
MBR Sewage Plant – Abu Arish – pdf
MBR Sewage Plant – Al Sunut – pdf
MBR Sewage Plant – Durrat al Bahrein – pdf
MBR Sewage Plant – Royal Guard of Oman – pdf
MBR Sewage Plant – DS187-Dubai – pdf
MBR Sewage Plant – Bataya Tankerstation – pdf

Más prospectos y folletos

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