Mena Water GmbH, Germany - Package Plants for Water Treatment

Mena Water FZC, Sharjah, UAE

Equipment and Package Plants for Water Treatment

potable water treatment

Container Plant SafeDrink

all over the world

Industrial Waste Water Treatment

grupuri de produse

Așa cum avem de a face cu toate tipurile de tratare a apei oferim servicii si produse in jurul tehnologiei de apă. Programul nostru este integrarea tuturor etapelor procesului de tratare și tot echipamentul necesar.

Sisteme compacte

Apă potabilă – Apă uzată – Deshidratare nămol


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we care for the environment
Mena Water provides water systems and environmental solutions for the MENA Region (Middle East & Africa) but also now worldwide. This backed with a professional technical support and service for the municipal and industrial sectors.