Package Plants

Package Solutions

Our long time experience in designing of water plants motivated us to arrange all necessary components as containerized package.

Waste Water – Drinking Water – Sludge Treatment

The containerized package plants are ready made solutions.

The complete plant will be ready mounted as package units or in standard ISO containers for easy transport and quick delivery.

European quality equipment and our certified manufacturing will guarantee high quality. On site the installation needs only short time with minimum civil works. At the location there is only need for piping and some cabelling.

This allows quick realization. Also the plants are easy to extend with additional units or movable to new locations.

The concept is available for handling potable water and waste water and mobile sludge dewatering.

Advantages of Package Solutions
MBR Package Plant
  • Containerized prefabricated Plant
  • Minimum of civil works at site
  • Extendable with modules
  • Easy movable to new location
  • Modification of existing plants
  • Independent Power supply via generator

Please find more information:



Public Water Stations

For supply of rural region with lack of drinking water supply and no treatment for sewage water we invented our MENA-Water-Stations.

Worldwide, more than 2.5 billion people have no access to basic sanitation.
As solution we offer our Public Potable Water and Sanitary Stations.
The guarded station will be situated at a central place and contents a separate potable water intake area and sanitary cabins with toilets, shower and washing facilities.

This will protect the environment from uncontrolled waste water pollution and gives service and comfort to the people. The collected sewage will be treated at the site and can be used for irrigation purpose or given to a river.


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